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埃克森美孚退出印尼East Natuna气田开发液压冲床

文章来源:盐化机械网  |  2022-09-06

埃克森美孚退出印尼East Natuna气田开发
据油气在线墨尔本7月19日消息,埃克森美孚已经决定退出印度尼西亚East Natuna天然气田的开发,并表示,公司不再希望继续讨论或在该区块进行活动。

据油气在线墨尔本7月19日消息,埃克森美孚已经决定退出印度尼西亚East Natuna天然气田的开发,并表示,公司不再希望继续讨论或在该区块进行活动。


意大利Agip于1973年首次发现East Natuna天然气田,估计拥有46万亿立方英尺的可开采天然气储量,是全球最大的未开发天然气田之一。

庞晓华 摘译自 油气在线


ExxonMobil pulls out of East Natuna field development

ExxonMobil Corp. has decided to walk away from development of the East Natuna natural gas permit in Indonesia saying it no longer wishes to continue discussions or activity in the block.

The maj电梯电缆or’s decision comes in the wake of a comprehensive technology and marketing review that concluded the block is uneconomical for the company under the current terms. Despite the withdrawal, ExxonMobil is reported to have offered to help with technology and technical assistance for the development project if needed.

East Natuna, first discovered by Italian company Agip in 1973, holds an estimated 46 tcf of recoverable gas and is one of the world’s largest untapped gas fields.
